Schedule w/c 9th August – TLNA, Meet Ups and More!

Hello all

Hope your day is going as well as can be expected! I’m hoping that wherever you are on your journey, this email brings a little joy to your day. Apologies for only 1 show last week, I was away with the kids. Summer holidays are a little tricky to maintain a regular schedule but we promise we will strive to give you value for money. If you’re a Patreon, do go and check out some other artists on the service. Katherine and I really believe we are light years ahead in terms of what most people are offering. For the same price as the £6.66 tier some others are offering maybe one or two podcasts a month. You are getting around 12, sometimes more.

We lost some Patrons this month and it hurts, both emotionally and financially, but we wish them all well and they are ALL welcome to come and enjoy the free stuff we put out. You know we’d rather this were all free. If we could find a way to do that, we would. Any bosses of radio stations wanna talk to us….?

One thing that has been mentioned is some of you would prefer more evening shows. OK. Let’s try it. How about one morning show and two in the evening per week? We can’t always guarantee it but we will do our best and see what happens. If the numbers go down, we may have to rethink. I’d like to play around with times as well…how does 7-10pm sound? Let’s give it a go and see what happens.

Enough waffle, let’s get on with the diary.

Sunday 8th – 9.55pm – Listen Along A Beswick – join me and any of you who want to pop into Discord as we listen to the first hour of Allan Beswick live. This is FREE to watch for everyone at

Monday 9th – 9am to Midday – Breakfast with TLNA – a slightly earlier show as we have a look at what the hell is going on in the world at the start of a new week. The first 90 minutes are free on, the last 90 minutes go behind the £6.66 paywall

Thursday 12th – 7pm to 10pm (with a possible lock-in) – The Late Night Alternative Quiz Night returns – you phone in and set the questions in the battle of Iain vs Katherine (Iain won last time.(I am Iain)). First 90 minutes free on

Friday 13th – 7pm to 10pm (with a possible lock-in) – The usual phone in nonsense but with a very spooky vibe. We will watch ghost videos and hear YOUR encounters with the unexplained. First 90 minutes free at With special guest Jaclyn Paul, a great human who has taught me so much about my ADHD and how it ‘works’. Find out more about her 

Saturday 14th – 1pm – £20 and above and Mod Zoom meeting. Link to follow.

Looks pretty good to me. We hope you agree. Inspired, bold and authentic.

See you soon.


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